Not Blue for Blue

Everyone who knows me well knows what my favourite colour is – Blue! My favourite of my favourite is Indio Blue – you know that deep sapphire blue? I also love turquoise blue – but mostly that indigo. Not navy (boring) or mid blue – neither here nor there. 
Why is this worth talking about? I believe colour has a place in our lives. When I was in Nutrition School one of the courses we took studied the psychological effects of colours.  This can be used when you are choosing what to wear, how to decorate a room as well as what to put on your table or plate. If you are introspective and pay attention to what brings out the best in you, you have the opportunity to enhance your innate potential. I’ve included a link that details the various psychological effects of the colours. 


So – about me- Blue! Indigo! It has always been my favourite.  It makes me calm and happy when I wear it. I also get the most compliments when I’m wearing it on top (shirts, sweaters, jackets) – I believe that’s because it brings out my true me. I don’t hide in blue. 


What does this say about me? Blue Color Meaning Blue, the shade of the sea and the sky, induces calm, tranquillity and peace. It instils confidence and inspires feelings of trust, loyalty, integrity and responsibility. The personality traits associated with blue are trust, responsibility, honesty and loyalty. It is sincere, reserved and quiet, and doesn’t like to make a fuss or draw attention. These are also qualities that can be used to describe me. This colour exhibits an inner security and confidence.  
You can rely on it to take control and do the right thing in difficult times. It has a need for order and direction in its life, including its living and workspaces. (Also sounds so ‘Virgo’). 


This is a colour that seeks peace and tranquillity above everything else, promoting both physical and mental relaxation. 
It reduces stress, creating a sense of calmness, relaxation and order – we certainly feel a sense of calm if we lie on our backs and look into a bright blue cloudless sky. It slows the metabolism. The paler the blue the more freedom we feel.  


In the meaning of colours, blue relates to one-to-one communication, especially communication using the voice – speaking the truth through verbal self-expression – it is the teacher, the public speaker. The colour blue is idealistic. Blue is the helper, the rescuer. Its success is defined by the quality and quantity of its relationships. It is a giver, not a taker. It likes to build strong trusting relationships and becomes deeply hurt if that trust is betrayed. Blue is nostalgic. If you don’t yet ‘know’ me – these are all clues to who I am, what makes me tick. This article became way more personal and exposing than I had anticipated – hee hee. 



So, what do I do with Blue? I find it wherever I can and surround myself in it. Clothing, accessories, jewellery. Just enough to give me that extra zip. 
What colour do you gravitate towards?  
Energy, passion, ambition and determination – if these qualities define you – your colour may be Red. 
If you describe yourself primarily by means of your mind and intellect, are optimistic and cheerful – do you also love the colour Yellow? 
What about balance and growth – you may be very self-reliant and are able to create a balance between your head and your heart – do you love Green? 
You may associate yourself by being nurturing and demonstrating unconditional love – Pink. 
This is just a little teaser of the mysteries revealed by the psychology of colours. 
If you want to know more about this whatever colour you are drawn to, follow the link below and read more.


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